For those of you planning your first weekend ride, here is a check list that we use before heading out.

  1. Make sure all lights are functioning correctly.
  2. Check Air Pressure in both tires (top off as needed).
    1. Even if you have sensors that tell you, be sure to look at them and check the level to be sure.
  3. Check your oil level.
    1. We can’t tell you how many rides we have heard of that were cut short because someone forgot to check the critical item.
  4. Make sure you have a tool kit on at least one of the motorcycles (best if all have one).
  5. Bring along the following in a saddle bag or backpack (not a comprehensive list):
    1. Turkey Baster
    2. Tire plug kit (unless you have tubes of course)
    3. Air compressor that you can run from the cigarette lighter or battery tender cable.
    4. Jump starter (sized for your motorcycle)
    5. Tire pressure gauge
    6. First Aide Kit
    7. Rain Gear
    8. Jacket/Coat depending on time of year and location of your ride.
    9. Zip Ties (various sizes)
    10. Battery Pack to charge cell phones if needed.
    11. Assortment of zip lock baggies.

At this point you might be realizing that all the items listed could easily fill up a saddle bag or even your tour trunk.  You would be correct, but as mentioned earlier consider a backpack for these items.  We have a backpack that attaches to the luggage rack on top of our tour pack, and it holds everything on the list.  This makes it easy for us to remove it when we go in for the night and we don’t have to unpack anything from this backpack, just reattach it in the morning (one side note ours is waterproof and that is recommended).

The goal is to save your ride in the event something does not go according to plan.  All these items can make that happen, or at least get you to a location where lasting repairs can be made.

Regardless of whether this is your first long ride or the most recent one of many, remember to enjoy your trip, be aware of the road, ride safe, and ride hard.

Mini Air Compressor

Ride Hard, Ride Safe, and enjoy the journey.