We have been asked a few times now about ride that are more than just a few hours away and what is the best way to get your motorcycles to those rides.
While riding your motorcycle to an event, ride, or vacation is always our first choice it is not always the best option. Sometimes it makes since to trailer your motorcycle(s) to the location. This is where most of the questions come in for those that do not own a trailer.
While we always prefer an enclosed trailer they are not always available or cost effective. So what have we done in our travels? Well we have rented trailers from U-Haul. U-Haul has a trailer specifically designed for hauling a single motorcycle. It even has a built in wheel chock at the front of the trailer and several tie down spots. This is an excellent choice if you are taking only 1 motorcycle with you, but what if you want to take two motorcycles with you?
In the event you want to take two motorcycles on your trip we would recommend U-Haul once again. They have a 6 x 12 utility trailer with a ramp that we have used in the past. Now these trailers do not come with built in wheel chocks so if you want that as an option you will need to have your own. Keep in mind that these U-Haul trailers are not set up with a standard track system like the E-Track and you are not supposed to drill holes in the floor to anchor your chock either.
So what do you do? Well in our case we have purchased two motorcycle chocks from Harbor Freight that we use in these cases. With a 6 x 12 utility trailer you have just enough room to put two motorcycles side by side (yes we have had 2 Harley Davidsons with Saddle bags and Tour Trunks side by side). The trick is to put the chocks in the very front of the trailer and strap them down to the tie down points. Of course you need to be sure the straps do not cross each other in a manner that would prevent you from riding your motorcycle onto the trailer and into each chock.
Once they are strapped to the front of the trailer load your first bike and bring it all the way to the front of the trailer with the front wheel in the chock. You then need to strap that tire to the front of the trailer using the tie downs on the trailer itself. Then repeat with the second bike.
Once both bikes are loaded and the front tires secured in the chock and to the front of the trailer you will strap each bike down. We typically use for straps per motorcycle. 2 at the front and 2 at the rear. For these four straps it is ok if they cross and prevent the motorcycle from being moved on or off the trailer. Keep in mind these will be the first straps you take off before you unload the bikes.
Make sure that the motorcycles are not going to rub against each other during transport or against the side walls during transport. We also recommend you stop and adjust your straps after 20 minutes and again after 1 hour. Then check them on each stop for fuel, food, drinks, etc. If any are lose then tighten or adjust them.
Also, be sure to have a couple of extra straps in the event you need to add more to secure your motorcycles for transport.
Here is a picture and link to the chocks we use in these cases.